U.P.R. “Tauleda”
Adr.: Bulevardi Kryesor, Pranë ish Kinema Iliria, Durrës.
Tel/fax: 00355 52 24827, Mob.: 00355 692075571
E.mail: tauleda@hotmail.com, tauleda_dr@yahoo.com
The Mosaic belongs to century IV-III b.o.e. and is considered as one of the most ancient ones discovered in Europe.
The Mosaic has a special working technique. It is built of small colorful stones placed on a layer of concrete. The mosaic of this woman head was discovered in Durres in 1918, because of the daily air bombardment on town, which led to opening of many security shelters. The Austrian archeology researcher Prashniker is quoted saying: „the Old Dyrrachium is one of the most ancient places of the mosaics… with a great artistic value recognized up to now”. The Beauty of Durrësi “got lost” for nearly 40 years, was was re-discovered by Vangjel Toçi. It has an ellipse surface (its big diameter 5,1 m, the small one 3m). In its center there is the graceful figure of a woman (1,2 m high).).
by the Prefecture of Durres Region
"Sviluppo Sistemi Turistice in Albania"
Valorization of Art,
Language and Tourism
V.A.L.T                 C
Puglia   Provincia