U.P.R. “Tauleda”
Adr.: Bulevardi Kryesor, Pranë ish Kinema Iliria, Durrës.
Tel/fax: 00355 52 24827, Mob.: 00355 692075571
E.mail: tauleda@hotmail.com, tauleda_dr@yahoo.com
Forum MacellumThe discovered part belongs to a wider complex of buildings of century V-VI after Christ. It is decorated by marble colons, placed at equal distances from each other. The floor was also covered with crystal marble tiles, giving a beautiful view to the complex.
At the center of Rotonda there is a will and a basis with some circle steps. There should have been a colon on the steps of Rotonda, where debtors were punished. Some researchers think that these stairs in fact formed the basement of a monument. Some others think that they have played the role of a baptizing place. Rotonda is very attractive for the tourists. The areas of Rotonda also serve as places for important activities like concerts of classical music, poetical performances, etc
by the Prefecture of Durres Region
"Sviluppo Sistemi Turistice in Albania"
Valorization of Art,
Language and Tourism
V.A.L.T                 C
Puglia   Provincia