U.P.R. “Tauleda”
Adr.: Bulevardi Kryesor, Pranë ish Kinema Iliria, Durrës.
Tel/fax: 00355 52 24827, Mob.: 00355 692075571
E.mail: tauleda@hotmail.com, tauleda_dr@yahoo.com
The region of Durresi offers endless possibilities to spend the holidays:
• In beautiful, comfortable, neat houses of the rural zones, at every time of the year.
• In the middle of the greenness and flowers, in fresh air to view the wonderful landscapes,
• To walk along untouched places and to listen only to the noise of the forest, far from the commotion and the smog of the cars, far from stress of the phone and the TV chronicles.,
• To feel the hospitality of the people who are not infected yet by the negative effects of the modern civilization, cement and concrete,
• To taste the traditional cooking of the natural products,
• To relax by getting tired and to feel the pleasure of tiredness.The region of Durres offers other possibilities, as well:
• To meet and get to know the traditions, customs, realities and experiences that you might have read only in the books or heard by the others.
• To walk and visit the traces of one of the most ancient people of the Mediterranean,
• To see the nature, the plants and the animals that you have seen only in the botanic and zoology books.And still, this is not enough
• You will learn the rest when you will visit Durres by yourself.Where will you find these possibilities?
In many places. They have things in common, but also their specifics. To choose, you need to click and navigate in our information.
by the Prefecture of Durres Region
"Sviluppo Sistemi Turistice in Albania"
Valorization of Art,
Language and Tourism
V.A.L.T                 C
Puglia   Provincia