U.P.R. “Tauleda”
Adr.: Bulevardi Kryesor, Pranë ish Kinema Iliria, Durrës.
Tel/fax: 00355 52 24827, Mob.: 00355 692075571
E.mail: tauleda@hotmail.com, tauleda_dr@yahoo.com


Characteristic Albanian house, built on the base of the traditional house of the family, preserving all the characteristics of the country’s architecture.
The house is situated in the village Perlat, at the top of the homonymous hills, inside of an immense green and a wonderful environment. Apart the woods, the sea and the hills that you can see from every place around the house, the eye stops on massive vineyards.
The house was recently restored and fulfils the conditions to receive tourists
In this house tourists have at its disposal:
A double room.
A room with two single beds.
Kitchen and dining room.
Sitting room and sanitary services.
Flowers, ornamental plants and fruit trees around the house.
When guests want, the house offers lunch and dinner after the typical gastronomy of the area.
The house offers to the guests the opportunity to cook, giving them organic products, meat and fresh fish of the area.

The prices:
Low season: Bed and breakfast 15 Euro/person.
High season: Bed and breakfast 19 Euro/person.

Reservation: contact the “Tauleda” agency.
Adress: Bulevardi Kryesor, Pranë ish Kinema Iliria, Durrës.
Tel/fax: 00355 52 24827, Mobile: 00355 692075571
E.mail: tauleda@hotmail.com, tauleda_dr@yahoo.com



Surpoted by the Prefecture of Durres Region
"Sviluppo Sistemi Turistice in Albania"
Regione        PromAdria

V.A.L.T.- Valorization of Art,
Language and Tourism

V.A.L.T                 C E
Regione Puglia   Provincia Lece


© Tauleda. Questo sito web é finanziato da:
Progetto "Sviluppo sistemi Turistici in Albania", Progetto "V.A.L.T-
Valorization of Art, Language and Tourism"