U.P.R. “Tauleda”
Adr.: Bulevardi Kryesor, Pranë ish Kinema Iliria, Durrës.
Tel/fax: 00355 52 24827, Mob.: 00355 692075571
E.mail: tauleda@hotmail.com, tauleda_dr@yahoo.com
It is one the 10 communes of the District of Durresi, which is in the northern part of the district of Durresi and has nearly the shape of a peninsula. The distance of the center of the commune from the city of Durresi is nearly 40 km away and from Tirana less than 50 km. The relieve is soft hilly leading towards the sea, in wonderful sandy beaches. The hills are no more than 250 m high. The hills are evergreen, due to the Mediterranean bushes and the enormous forests with pine trees and oaks. The forests, bushes and the fruit trees occupy most of the territory of the commune. In this territory there are some gigantic water collectors, which together with the forests and the sea wind make a very healthy climate. The inhabited regions are placed mainly at the crests of the hills. From there, a wonderful landscape is displayed, where it the blue color of the sea with the greenness of the forest is mixed wonderfully.
From the houses of the village, at any time just at a short movement of the head can be enough to seen nearly half of Albania.
The flora and fauna of the region are very rich. In addition to the typical animals and poultry, the tortoise of Hermannni on land and the grant turtle Careta Careta in the sea around Ishmi, wild medicinal flowers and plants can also be found. The inhabitants and the visitors have the opportunity to gather different kinds of tasty mushrooms that grow in the forests.
The products of the region are organic. To grow and protect the products, the chemicals are used very little. If one has the chance to taste the meat, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, fruit and the cooking of this region, he will have the great desire to taste them again.
But this is not all. This region was part of the famous triangle of the developed civilization of antiquity and middle ages. Traces of such development can be seen in many places around this territory. The basilica of Gjuricaj, the castle of Skenderbeg, the Church of Saint Antonio (Kisha e Shen Ndout) and the Castle of Ishmi are just a few of these traces.
The inhabitants of the villages of the commune have reconstructed their houses and made them comfortable to welcome the tourists. In addition to their original abilities and characteristic welcome they are skillful and experienced in welcoming the tourists.• To spend some days at the beautiful comfortable houses of Ishmi
• To enjoy the landscape and the climate of this region,
• To live at a virgin environment without smog and noise of the cars,
• To lay on the golden sand and swim in the blue sea of Ishmi,
• To enjoy a quiet evening, listening only to the night song and the sound of the silence
• To taste the natural food and the famous characteristic cooking of this region
…. will be a journey in your memory, if you are not already young, and if you are, in addition to the other kinds of entertainment it will be at least a journey in the memoirs of your ancestors.
Who comes once, will be back soon.
Who does not come, misses an opportunity… and not only.
Sistemi Turistice in Albania"
Valorization of Art,
Language and Tourism
V.A.L.T                 C
Regione Puglia   Provincia